Charisms pt 2: Wisdom


I confess, it has taken way to long to write part 2 (thumping my chest 3times.)
So, not to dilly dally any longer. I planned on the parts to be an exploration of the charisms. The first charism to come up on my list was Wisdom. Did St. Paul possess Wisdom? Was the charism of Wisdom knowing the mind of God!? Surely not. Do the Saint’s receive true and full Wisdom upon entering the Kingdom? St. Paul surely had Knowledge as a learned Jewish Pharisee; and then much Wisdom as is seen so often in the NT. Surely then , I will never have Wisdom. First, of course, I looked to prayer for an answer. Yes, and then I grew inpatient, and I fell down a rabbit hole. Well to my dismay, Wisdom also seemed to be the most elusive in finding a unified definition. My Parish Priest’s answer was not quite what I had in mind. The Catechism, was per usual, seemingly in another language. Wiki Pedia and any other internet discription was so so secular. My Spiritual Mentor was most interested, but still in the same frame of mind as I. Then, quite simply one Sunday after Mass, I asked a friend whose opinion and knowledge I trust.
With a thought provoking look, he succinctly put my questions to rest. Knowledge is knowing the Word. Wisdom, is putting it to action. Ahhhhha I exclaimed: the Letter of the Law vs the Spirit of the Law.

Case closed,

Peace be with you.

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